FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Licensing and Database:
Why do I need My Key Ring?
How many databases will My Key Ring! track?
How many password keys (records) will My Key Ring! allow?
Are my passwords secure?
I am getting a license code violation notice!
I tried to reinstall but now I am getting
license code violation!
Do I need to register?
Are there any ongoing fees?
I modified my registration code code or distributed it to others.
If I register, do I need two different registrations for my home and
work computer?
How do I establish multiple databases?
How do I
prevent automatic loading on startup?
I install into other folders?
Can I print passwords?
Support, Marketing:
I am having trouble registering or otherwise contacting support.
Why? Are the other options?
Is any personal information sent through the Internet? I noticed that My Key
Ring! checks for an Internet connection upon launch.
I am organizing a convention. Can we distribute My Key Ring!
pre-populated with our sponsor/presenter/booth websites?
Screen and Editing
did it go?
How do I get a small view?
How do I edit in the grid?
Why do I need My Key Ring?
Never lose your password information again! My Key Ring! is a very unique package. See the features. My Key Ring! sits nicely in your task bar and is available for selection and launching to the web. It also will automatically find the correct record and autofill username and password information when you browse from your Internet Explorer! Never lose a password again!
How many databases will My Key Ring! track?
Registered versions will track unlimited databases. Unregistered versions are licensed to track one database only.
How many password keys (records) will My Key Ring! allow?
Limited by disk space only. As a practical matter, unlimited.
Select View, Show Sections. Uncheck the sections of My Key Ring! you do not want to see. Also, close the Notes/History section on the right hand side by clicking the small tick (arrow) or selecting from View, Notes/History. Then resize by moving your cursor over the outside border of the form and dragging it larger or smaller.
Hit F2 (function key F2).
If I register, do I need two different registrations for my home and work computer?
If installed on two different machines, yes. When the program runs, it creates a unique code on the particular installed machine. The registration code is tied to the individual machine. If you try to trade registration codes onto a second machine the software will not run. Volume discounts and site licenses are available.
For example, if a parent has children and uses at home on one machine, register once--there is only one machine and one install. The registered install can track multiple separate databases, e.g., one for each family member. However, if each child has separate computer machine, then multiple registrations are required. In short, one registration is required for each installation, but each registered installation can track unlimited databases.
Are my passwords secure?
The passwords are encrypted using our "Double Vault" proprietary protection.
The passwords are in a password enabled database, then each password is
encrypted using a encryption algorithm.
How do I establish multiple databases?
The easiest way to create multiple databases is to backup the database to a new folder, then access the database by selecting File, Open at the main menu. You must be licensed to use multiple databases.
My Key Ring! runs from the System Tray at the lower right corner of your screen, so it's always in the same place for you. You can easily leave My Key Ring! by pressing the ESCape key, in which case My Key Ring! will close to the System Tray but will keep running. To completely close My Key Ring!, choose Exit from the menu.
Registration is a one time, perpetual license, per install but there would be upgrade fees, if desired. Details are in the End User License Agreement. Unregistered users are not entitled to support. Registered users receive updates to their registered version at no charge. Registered users have 90 days price protection, such that registered users receive any upgrades of the software (as well as updates) released during that period--this gives the registered user some comfort from the registration of version x on day one and a new version released on day 2. Updates and upgrades are tracked at the second portion of the version, eg., registered users of version 3.2 will receive all updates to 3.2, but not 3.3 which is an upgrade. Upgrades must be purchased at the then-current upgrade price.
1. Each time you launch My Key Ring!, it checks for new versions over
the Internet, if a connection is available. No personal information is
2. If you choose to send a key through email, using that option from
the File, Export menu item, then your information will be sent through the
Internet, with the password encrypted if you choose to do so. This is
your decision. Some users have a great discomfort with sending
information through the Internet, and if so, do not use the Export Key by
Email feature--it exists for the many other users who do not have discomfort
with sending information through the Internet. It is a user option.
3. When you register, you will send registration to Ziata Solutions,
LLC for the purpose of registration. The information sent is displayed
to you in the Registration Wizard.
Ziata Solutions, LLC does not collect any information other than registration information if you choose to register.
I am having trouble registering or otherwise contacting support. Are the other options?
We support registered users. We might support unregistered users, so
please contact us. Whether we support unregistered users usually depends
upon the question. If we see the issue as a bug or feature request, then
we will usually respond. If the request is in the nature of general
technology consulting, we might not.
That said, the most probable reason why you might not get a response is because
your email is trapped as spam. We have very high-end server spam software
that is excellent, but spam false positives (trapping good email as spam) happen
in any business. Try support@mykeyring.com.
Or, try completing a support
questionnaire. You can also call us at 412.765.0490, 8:00am - 5pm M-F,
USA ET, but email or the questionnaire is absolutely preferred.
I modified my registration code code or distributed it to others.
Apart from copyright and other violations of law and contract, if the registration code is flagged as invalid for any reason, any preferred prices are eliminated and you will pay the fee established by Ziata Solutions, LLC to bring the code into compliance. As a general rule, we reserve the right to refuse registration or to charge any fee to register, but we do have the ability to easily register with an override code--no questions asked--upon payment of full price--that is, without discounts.
This is our "Prepop Deal." Ziata
Solutions has a great program for pre-populating My Key Ring! for conventions
and seminars.
For example, let's say you are organizing a convention. You are selling
booths and you will have presenters and sponsors. We can pre-populate a
special version of My Key Ring! with your sponsor names, websites, contact
information and description of goods/services. We will even do a temporary
splash screen for your special version with your logo. Then, you can
distribute My Key Ring!, or offer downloads from your website, to the attendees
of the convention. Then, instead of merely leaving the convention and
tossing the advertising materials, your attendees will leave with a version of
My Key Ring! that offers independent added value, as well as populated with all
of your sponsors, etc. This helps your sponsors sell products and
services! Your sponsors and attendees will love you for this added value!
Contact us at var@mykeyring.com for
How do I prevent automatic loading on startup?
When My Key Ring! is installed a shortcut is placed into the Windows Startup folder. This is a standard approach. If you remove the link from the Startup folder, My Key Ring! will not load on startup of Windows.
Do I need to register?
In some cases, no. Certain versions permit you to use My
Key Ring! without any payment whatsoever. If you are satisfied with that
version, your license would permit you to keep using it. However, per the end
user license agreement, you are are not entitled to support, updates or
upgrades. These are benefits for our registered users.
You cannot register your use without payment of the registration fee. We consider the registration fee to be fair and quite minimal in light of the benefits, and provided that you use the Registration Wizard (with its discounts, if any) to register. If you want the latest versions and support, you need to register, but it is completely optional under your end user license agreement.
Can I print
my passwords?
Version 3 does not permit printing of
passwords, but there is a reason! It is anticipated that Version 4 will
nevertheless have that option.
There exists a backup feature for the database (Alt-File-Backup), allowing you to save on a CD, floppy, etc. This is the recommended method because the data remains encrypted. Printing passwords is certainly not good security. That is the reason why it has not been included. However, we acknowledge that we have gotten many requests, so we anticipate including it in the next version.
Can I install into other locations?
No and yes. First, the 'no' and some
background. Years ago, we gave the option to pick install locations.
However, because many users are not sophisticated, when the option existed, they
installed the software in many different locations at their preference (some
were even confused by the install option). Then, they called for general
support. As you might expect, it took our company a lot of time just to
figure out how and where the software was installed. Since the cost of
registration is so minimal to begin with, and the users were not registered, too
much time was spent supporting unlimited locations of user files. This
takes us away from our core duties and drives up the price of the product. So, we
made a business decision: the people that use multiple drives and folders
are usually the high-end experienced users, and, while inconvenienced, usually
know how to do a standard install. The limitation to install into
a single location will inconvenience some of our users/registered users.
As to the 'yes,' our suggestion is to install the software in the standard location. Then, you can copy the data files anywhere, and the software will open a "open file" box to let you reconnect to the data in the new location.
License code
My Key Ring! tracks carefully the machine onto which
the program is installed and the license key. If you try to reinstall My
Key Ring! you may receive this error. Contact us at
support@mykeyring.com for a small
program that will reset for a clean new install.